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Vast Beyond All Measure

Ashley was frustrated by an ankle injury that stopped her new running schedule. But then the Lord invited her to leave her phone and earbuds at home and just walk with him. She is enjoying this new way of meeting with Jesus and praying for others. This is what she shared from her walk with Jesus on Monday. 

“The words to How Deep The Father’s Love For Us got stuck in my head halfway through the walk. Particularly the line, “How vast beyond all measure.” The vastness of space and the oceans…even that (which I already struggle to comprehend) doesn’t touch the vastness of Gods love for us and for all of humanity. I don’t know who that’s for or maybe it’s for all of us or maybe it’s for me cause man, I am basking in God’s love for me today…but just thought I would share.”

How deep the Father’s love for us,
How vast beyond all measure,
That He should give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure.

Stuart Townend 

Listen to ‘How Deep The Father’s Love for Us’ on Youtube HERE
