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Welcome Emmie Grace

On Saturday 6 June, we welcomed our newest member of the Inspire Family. Emmie Grace was born to Anthony and Kylie, Missioners and Co-Directors of the Inspire USA Core Team. Emmie is a little sister for Lucy (almost 2).

Anthony writes:

“We love the meaning of her name when you combine Emmie with Grace. Emmie means “whole” or “industrious”. Grace can mean a lot of different things, but we love it for its Biblical significance. Many people understand grace as God’s unmerited favor on humanity (Jesus dying for the sake of our sins). Grace, of course, does mean that! But in my opinion it means so much more. I believe, in its fullest, grace is God’s very presence with us. God sent Jesus so that we could once again walk and talk with him, moment-by-moment, day-by-day! 

So… Emmie Grace can mean “whole in God” and/or “co-worker with God”. This is our prayer for her. That she will never know a day outside of God’s grace and delight in walking every day with him throughout her life. 

Please continue to pray for our transition with Emmie. And pray especially for Lucy. She turns two in a few weeks and to her it seems like the world has just been upended! Please pray for us as we learn how to love each other well in the chaos, while being sleep deprived, and trying to lead a growing ministry! “

We are so thankful for Emmie’s safe arrival and for her family who continue to give their whole lives to serving the Lord through Inspire.

Please be a part of the adventure of the Watts Family and the Inspire Movement by giving your financial support to the Inspire Movement. You can make a gift to Inspire at any time, or set up a regular donation, through our giving page. And/Or contact us to find out more about how we utilise every penny/cent that people give us to join in the mission of the Lord in transforming people’s lives thorough the Inspire Movement: [email protected]