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Where Do We See God In Our Daily Life?

Our Houses of Healing podcast helps us to work through what it looks like to live as followers of Jesus in every aspect of our lives, seeking to create a home saturated with God’s healing presence. In the latest edition we mostly just wanted to give a general catch up, but landed on a few really important topics like prayer, forgiving others, and experiencing God in the course of your daily life. That last point has been deeply transformational for both Wendy and I. And it hasn’t come about by accident. 

Every Saturday morning, we gather with our spiritual friends and family and ask the question (among everything else we do), “Where have you seen God in your life this week?” That question forces us to think about it. And over time, it allows us the grace to see God in the midst of our otherwise frenetic lives…we see him in big things like miraculous provision and spiritual conversations and new partnerships…we see him in small things like an amazing sunset, a fresh cup of coffee, and cool fall mornings. 

Stephen and Wendy are planting Inspire missional communities, called Houses of Healing, in Eastern Tennessee, USA. Read more about their ministry HERE.