We can think of lots of reasons why you should join in! The most important one is that we believe that God wants to transform your life by helping you to abide more deeply with Jesus and live everyday as a disciple on mission with Him in the power of the Spirit. But then we would say that wouldn’t we because that is what we do in Inspire 🙂
However, if you don’t believe us, here are some real testimonies! All of these words below are actual quotes from people who have joined in our online courses in the last year. We hope that you will be inspire-d to join in an Inspire Online Learning Community for the first time, or again and again!
“We have had a renewed faith, a stirred up passion for the presence of God again and it has also improved our spiritual conversation with others.”
“It is a privilege, an awesome privilege, to be part of a world-wide community of seekers of our Lord, folk who actively and passionately want to be more like Jesus.”
“This course has helped me to gain inspiration and tools for the mission of the church that is not great at reaching out.”
“We learned that the presence of God is something we should seek and that fellowship with other people of the same heart should nurture that, and not distract from it. This is why we are encouraged by inspire because the ethos of it encourages these concepts.”
“The international, cross-denominational aspect of the Inspire training is wonderful. And the Lord loves it!”
“Because of this course I have changed the way I do Bible study and the way I pray, I have started a journal. It has changed my life.”
“I have been reminded of the importance of intentionality and feel called to go deeper in my relationship with the Lord.”
“This course came at just the right time for me. I know that prayer groups are good but I realise that fellowship bands are what we really need.”
“The key part (of the Discipling Children in Our Midst) which highlighted to me was about spiritual gifts and how early we can identify these in children and help them grow in it.”Â
“I am looking to Inspire to refresh my skills and ‘inspire’ me to equip young people as the kind of Christians that will grow up to lead. I want to see the gifts of the Spirit released in all ages.”
“I would also like to say to those who have only been able to ‘sample’Â Inspire and bands online, that ‘in the flesh’ interactions, for me, are much better but I have been surprised at how well an oldie like me has adapted to and appreciated the technology and all that it brings. I now have online friends who mean a lot to me!”
“The community on this course was so valuable. I will do another course no matter what the subject is, just to be in this kind of community.”
“I have been reminded that ‘church’ is who we are, not just what we do on a Sunday; that church is primarily what we do outside the building not just in it; that the main event is NOT Sunday morning but what goes on the rest of the week!!!”