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With Thanksgiving

A Miracle!

Early in September Steve asked us to pray for his family, and especially his daughter who had a mysterious illness that was causing a problem with her legs. Shortly after we started to pray we received this news:

“Thank you for praying for our family, and specifically our daughter. God is doing a powerful work in her body! Her legs are functioning normally now and we continue to see improvement each day. One Saturday morning she experienced a miracle of instantaneously being able to walk again. Praise God! We do not know why some prayers seem to be answered in ways we desire while others do not, but we are rejoicing in this answer.”

An Amazing God!

“Good news to share. For an atheist cousin of mine, like most people in the UK age between 50-65, God has not been part of their thinking. He has had some major changes and difficult time in the past few years. We have been intentionally praying and journeying alongside him for the last 4 years. He is now stopped smoking, job changed and yesterday he offered to lead the prayer/say grace around the dinner table in Jesus name!! Wow…God is amazing and He is alive indeed!!” 

Jesus in the Neighbourhood

Derik and Kim, Missioners in Michigan, USA held their missional community gathering in a coffee shop in October. We were praying for them and here is what happened: “We had a new couple join us and a someone who has come sporadically but is de-churched. The coffee shop was a good place for him. And then just got to be kind to the staff. There was someone who was supposed to come and couldn’t…turns out they live a few houses down from us! I prayed on Saturday, “Jesus give us just one person from the neighborhood besides us” and here we go!”

Life, Laughter and Loving One Another

Dan and Brandi started an Inspire Marion house fellowship in October. They updated us: “There were 9 of us who gathered to eat, share communion, talk about where we’ve saw God in our lives recently, pray for each other, and get to know each other which included lots of laughs :)”

A Quiver Full!

We are celebrating the latest additions to the Inspire family. Two grandchildren for Phil and Samantha Meadows, co-founders of the Inspire Movement.

Born exactly 6 weeks apart: 

Malachi Elijah James Heathcote was born on Wednesday 11 Sept in Chester, UK

Elisabeth Faith Meadows born on Wednesday 23 October in Chesterfield, UK.