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Witness To Our Prayer Gathering

We met for the first International Prayer Gathering of 2023, under the able and inspired leadership of the delightful Robin Toner.  It is becoming familiar in Inspire online gatherings to have folk in Ireland, England and the USA, and we had three in our house here in Texas – different countries, different continents, different times, one God.  Lord, let us not take the absolutely amazing Inspire international family for granted.

Robin led us with questions, and divided our time in sections: past, present, possible, prophecy, pledge and then parting. How have we had joy in the Inspire Movement in the past year?  What do we need now? What is possible? What is the Lord saying? What part do we have to play?  

Peter and Liz from Ireland were there, and early on Peter said that the Lord brought to mind the verse when the young Samuel is first hearing the voice of the Lord, and doesn’t yet recognize it.  The priest Eli told the boy to say, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” (1 Samuel 3:10)  

Later in the hour, when we came to the prophecy section, Robin asked if anyone had a prophecy for any of us, or for Inspire. Peter repeated the Scripture, and added something:

“I want to pray this over you, Frank, and over Brenda (my wife) and Jerry Ann (a member our church attending the prayer meeting) and your congregation.  ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.”

What Peter did not know is that I had spent the night and morning before the meeting praying and studying, searching for a preaching series or direction for our church for 2023.  This is a time of new beginnings for us, and how am I going to lead?  I’m a retired, “part-time” pastor of a wonderful and dedicated church, with many multi-generational members.  I’m asked to choose the Scriptures,  choose the hymns, preach. What does the Lord want for us?  

I had been praying, and wrestling, and then Peter quoted, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.”  

I did get some direction and, more than that, I was reminded that in my prayers, in my wrestling and in my struggling, I am not alone.  We are not alone.  God is with us.  “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.”  

Prayer is a powerful witness.  Amen. 

Frank is an Inspire Missioner in the USA