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Tabitha and her family were at Rievaulx Abbey in North Yorkshire, England, one Sunday on their holiday recently. 

The abbey was founded in 1132 and at its peak housed a community of more than 650 people. It was one of the most powerful and spiritually renowned centres of monasticism in Britain, particularly under its most famous abbot, Aelred, in the 1160s. The monastery was suppressed in 1538 but the ruins of the abbey still stand as a testimony to the saints that have gone before us, and the presence of God with us now. 

Tabitha and her family could not help but make it a holy-day as they worshipped the Lord together with the ‘great cloud of witnesses’ in that beautiful and inspiring place. 

Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendour of his holiness. Psalm 29:2 NIV