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Challenging a Lukewarm Life

To God be the glory great things he has done.

I am a Christian of many years walking with the Lord and also many years of ministry among youths and leaders groups. All these years I did try my best to please the Lord and achieve great things through him, and with him for him. Recently I came to realise through the Inspire Movement a practical way and easy access to the philosophy and ways of ministry laid by John Wesley. In fact I used to know these as a Methodist, but Inspire Movement has the merit of bringing these into context for me through the courses and various sharings in the learning process. Most especially the resources sent to me have really helped me as I went through it, to get familiar and teach others.

It is in this process that I did really and consciously realise God’s message to me as my past life came back to me and I evaluated my mistakes and total failures. I have failed throughout the years because I was living a life of a lukewarm Christian and not producing fruits that last. 

The Inspire trainings I have participated in have brought light to me. I have taken decisions to embrace the Way of Life ministry learned in the teaching. I am applying this to my life and to that of my family and also to my ministry.

Constant is an indigenous missionary in the Benin Republic