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Getting Involved

Who Gets Involved

Inspire is for all Christians who have:

  • a hunger to abide more deeply with God
  • a passion to live more missionally in the world
  • a longing to share life more fully with spiritual friends
  • a desire to follow God’s lead more faithfully in daily life

Inspire is for all those in leadership who have:

  • a commitment to leading from their own discipleship
  • a heart to help others grow as disciples
  • a desire to raise up other disciple-making leaders
  • an aspiration to form communities of discipleship on mission with God

How to Explore Inspire

Most people take time to investigate the vision of Inspire by looking at the Ministry section of the website, starting with the life of Missional Discipleship and how we pursue that through Fellowship Bands and House Fellowships. Some further ways to explore include:

  • Browse this website get an Overview of Our Vision, and discuss it with a few others who might take it further with you.
  • When you are ready to start experimenting with Fellowship Bands or House Fellowship, check out the Get Help section of the website.
  • Subscribe to our monthly Newsletter(s).
  • Check our calendar for an Upcoming Event or training opportunity.
  • Invite us to do an introductory session, or other training, in your church.
  • Ask us about talking to someone in your area who is already involved with Inspire.
  • Contact us to find out more about our vision and resources, or to discuss how you/your church might benefit from Inspire.

How to Journey on with Inspire

The core commitment of Inspire is to adopt the Way of Life and start meeting regularly in a Fellowship Band with two or three others.

For those who want to start House Fellowships, we recommend getting potential leaders into a Fellowship Band, as a solid foundation upon which to build.

When you are ready to do this, we recommend you contact us for Support from a Missioner, who can help you start well, and recommend some of our resources.