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Multiplying Fellowship Bands

Larry and Sharon Freed are OMS Missionaries who use the Inspire Fellowship Bands as part of their Leader Development programme and their Disciple-Making Journey Training. Here is an update about their ministry in early 2024: 

Our work in the Philippines continues to go well.  I am enjoying the five Leader Development Groups that I meet with monthly online.  Our relationships and sharing are deepening during the fellowship band portion of the LDGs.  We continue to see the number of LDGs and discipleship bands increasing.  The Disciple-Making Journey Training, particularly Modules 1 and 2, are being offered by a variety of churches and organizations.  We had a team of two couples take the Module 1 training to Hong Kong last month.  Thank you so much for your continued prayer for us.  I have also heard that the Disciple-Making Journey Training, which includes the Inspire materials for the discipleship bands, has really taken off in Ukraine.  They have done training in Modules 1-3 and will do Module 4 training in May.  

On a recent short trip to the Philippines we attended The Faith Evangelical Church of the Philippines (FECPI) 40th Anniversary Celebration and the 3-day Pastors’ and Leaders’ Retreat that followed was wonderful – passionate, worshipful, Spirit-led, and challenging with lots of good fellowship with great brothers and sisters in Christ.  Our work with all five OMS-related ministries was encouraging and productive.  We will return to the Philippines in early May for a three week visit.

Please continue to pray for Larry and Sharon.