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The course curriculum for the Inspire School of Discipleship is structured around three main areas: Missional Discipleship, Fellowship Band and House Fellowship (Missional Communities). We offer courses under each main area, and also some Focussed Learning Communities. You can read more about the ethos of all our training here.

Please note, to register for courses you must go to Online Course Schedule and In-Person Course Schedule.

Missional Discipleship

The courses listed below will delve into the nature of Missional Discipleship as shaped by the Inspire Way of Life: seeking growth in our love of God and neighbor, using spiritual disciplines as a means of grace, sharing fellowship on the journey of discipleship, and engaging mission by sharing faith with others in word and deed. Courses are reinforced through the practice of Fellowship Band.

Fellowship Bands

Inspire Fellowship Bands are small groups of three or four close friends who meet regularly for spiritual conversation. Band meetings help us become more committed followers of Jesus, who grow in his likeness from the inside out. They encourage us to keep in step with his Spirit, as whole-life disciples and everyday missionaries. The following courses will equip you for the practice of Fellowship Band:

House Fellowship / Missional Community

A House Fellowship is a small community of disciples (6-20 people), meeting as an extended family and sharing life together: by eating and praying together, searching the Scriptures and sharing wisdom, and helping each other grow as whole-life disciples. Missional communities encourage one another to live as everyday missionaries: who befriend their neighbors and invite them home to share life among the community, so they can grow in discipleship together. Our course curriculum delves into the nature of starting, developing, and sustaining this ministry.

Focused Learning Community

A focused learning community is a group of like-minded people who come together in small for conversation, teaching and learning. These learning communities are organised periodically, and upon request. Some of them require an application. Below are Inspire Focused Learning Communities that we can help you start and/or join in. Contact us to talk to an Inspire Missioner about how to join in any of these focused learning communities.