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Easter – An Invitation to Friendship

“Easter makes it possible for us to be friends with God. As His arms are outstretched in self-sacrifice on a cruel wooden cross, Jesus is the epitome of true friendship. As His soul cries, ​“It is finished,” Jesus absorbs the power of our sin and selfishness, meaning that reconciliation and relationship are possible with the King of the universe. When crucifixion cannot contain Him, when death is defeated and dare not destroy Him, His resurrection invites us to a new life, free from our frailties and failings, to relationships reborn.

We were created to know and be known. The open arms of Christ on the cross mean the hand of the God of the universe reaches out to us in friendship. His love is invitational. We, made in His image and ambassadors of Him, are compelled to extend that offer of friendship to a world that so desperately needs it. May our relationships be warm and welcoming, but may they always also be open and honest enough to invite the other forward on the next step of the faith journey.

This Easter may you be blown away by the stunning offer of God’s friendship to you. May His example inspire you to better sacrificial and intentional friendship. May we all, as a church, extend this invitation to a world in desperate need of resurrection and reconnection with a Saviour.”

Extract from: How to be a great friend: look at the Easter story, by Phil Knox of the Evangelical Alliance. Read more on the Evangelical Alliance website HERE