Greetings in the name of our Risen Lord Jesus,
from Phil and Samantha Meadows, co-founders Inspire Movement
As we celebrate Easter this year, we are also giving thanks for you all. Each one of you is sign of the Lord’s blessing in our lives. If it was not for the presence of the risen Jesus and the outpouring of his Spirit, there would be no Inspire Movement and we would not have the sweet fellowship we share together.
The vision for Inspire was first given to us at a time of discouragement and despair. We were battle weary from leadership in ministry and burnt out from ministry as usual. In retrospect, we wonder if that is how the first disciples felt on the night of crucifixion, not knowing what the future might hold.
The risen Jesus stepped into that place of darkness, and gave us the seeds of the vision for Inspire. He also breathed his resurrection power into our souls and, not long after, the Movement was born.
We gathered a group of people with prophetic gifts in order to discern and pray about what we felt the Lord was saying. The word was clear. The risen Jesus was about to do a new thing, and it would be more than we could ask or imagine. What happened that day is a Pentecost story, and we will say more in the May edition. For now, suffice it to say that 15 years later, here we are, with a world-wide spiritual family.
Our season of darkness was just an opportunity for the risen Jesus to exert his resurrection power. It is a story that the He is still unfolding, not just in our lives but, in the lives of those who connect with Inspire, his new Movement.
It is hard to keep up with what the Lord is doing but we do know that around 1500 people are directly connected with the Movement and many more are impacted through them. At this time we have Fellowship Bands meeting across the USA, UK, and Ireland, as well as in Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa. Our model for House Fellowship is being adopted in many different contexts and we are mentoring a number of church planters cohort in our ecology of discipleship and mission. The online School of Discipleship is growing and reaching people in multiple countries and time zones. As the pandemic restrictions are lifting, in person training has started again. Our Core Teams in Ireland, USA and Great Britain are networking with people around their regions. This amounts to a lot of Missional Disciples changing the lives of people they meet in everyday life, all around the world.
This Easter we give thanks to God for YOU. For your reading of this newsletter, your supportive prayers, testimonies and giving. We pray that no matter how light or dark your circumstances are right now, you will know the peace and power of the risen Jesus, who gives us new life and has our all our futures in his hands. He is risen! He is risen indeed! HALLELUJAH!
If you don’t already subscribe to the monthly Inspire e-News, our prayer newsletter, Pray Continually, and/or the weekly Inspire Beacon, we recommend that you do so as they help us to share the news of what is happening across the Movement. You can also read the Inspire Blog on the website. And if you would like to connect we are always happy to share our story.Â