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Fellowship Band – An Oasis

Our Fellowship Band took a lot of prayer, patience and persistence to begin meeting. But there was an assurance and peace throughout the process that God was leading its formation. The first day we were due to meet, it felt like the enemy was throwing everything he could at it to prevent us getting together. I guess that had to mean that this Band was going to bear much fruit! We persisted and stood firm and the presence of the Holy Spirit in our midst was so powerful and God richly blessed that first introductory meeting.

Since then we have completed our 5 experimental sessions and recently held our review.  Here are some of the comments shared:

  • “This is like an oasis in the fortnight – being in a safe place to let go of everything else and feel relaxed.”
  • “It is a joy to share together and each time we meet I take something enlightening away with me to ponder on in the week ahead”
  • “It is a safe place to be, a comfortable place to cry, open up without any judgement”
  • “You share things you wouldn’t in a housegroup or Church. The assurance of confidentiality enables you to be very open, honest and go deeper.”
  • “I feel touched by the personal prayer – that people care enough to pray for me.”
  • “Sometimes it feels hard in the busy week to set aside time for Band. I could be getting something ticked off the “to do” list instead.  But after Band, the ‘to do’ list is still there but I feel so much better and blessed for the fellowship.”
  • “It is exciting being with other people who are wanting to go deeper, encouraging one another and see where God is leading each one of us.”
  • “To be able to catch each other’s vision and seeing and hearing God doing wonderful things is so encouraging and we can spur each other on.”

No surprise….everyone wants to continue in our Band!

I hope this may encourage those of you thinking of starting a Fellowship Band. Pray. Be patient, as it may take time. Don’t be discouraged but be persistent. When God is calling it is exciting to see how He blesses!

This is a true testimony shared by one of our Inspire Missioners who helps to mentor new bands through and experimental process. If you would like to know more about Fellowship bands, and/or connect with an Inspire Missioner to help you get started contact us.