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Give, It Will Come Back To You

In one of our house fellowships the children have been teaching us a song. It is impossible to describe how beautiful it is as they sing and do the actions. We are caught up in the truths of scripture that we are singing – a good measure pressed down, shaken together and running over, and back to us! 

Give and it will come back to you 
Good measure pressed down, shaken together and 
Running over 
Give and it will come back to you…
If you give, give to the Lord!!

Luke 6:38

The Inspire Movement is following the Spirit’s lead to support and equip people to be thermostats! As we teach, resource, network, plant fellowships and mentor disciples we see lives, churches and communities being transformed. We give everything to the Lord and he gives back to us and all those we serve. 

As a Movement we live by faith. We do not have financial support from other churches, denominations or organisations. We rely on the community of faith-filled donors who want to be a part of what God is doing through Inspire. If you are not already a a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and we make sure it is running over to bless the Lord, bless you and bless the Kingdom. 

There are lots of ways you can give to help the Inspire Movement.