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Looking Back, Moving Forward

As we look back over 2023 we are so thankful for the work that God has done and is doing in our church community in St. Louis.  It is a true joy for Anthony and I to pastor this community with our girls, to have the privilege of knowing the highs and lows of each life, and being able to love and be loved by members of our community.  Some of the days are hard, but in all things God is good and faithful and has been with us.

There was a new worship song released by Emily Lindquist this year, worship leader of Church of the City NYC.  It is one of those songs that has deeply moved our community; we can’t stop listening to and singing it! 

Near the Lord
Lord the deepest longing of my heart
Is to worship you for all you are
I have tasted goodness and I’ve seen
Your presence is what’s best for me

I’d trade a thousand of my best days
For just one with you

How good, how good
How good it is
Just to be near the Lord
Just to be near you Lord

Just one thing I ask this I will seek
Is to sit with you at your feet
I don’t want to miss the whisper of
Your heart’s desire and the things you love

All my deserts turn to rivers
When I’m where you are
So put a highway to your presence
In my heart oh God

Where else would I go
No good thing do you withhold
This is where delight is

I believe this song is a beautiful snapshot of the heart of our church community. We are a group of people who have a desire to be near Jesus and are beginning to understand the unrelenting love of God as we submit to and serve one another in community. 

There is no way we could share all of the stories of where we have seen God in our ministry this year, but here are some of our favorites:

  • This year we split into two missional communities that meet weekly, and started bimonthly all community gatherings.  
  • 72% of our adult members are in fellowship band.  This is the group of 3-4 people that meet every other week to grow in deep friendship and share life together, pointing one another to Jesus.  We have seen a ton of growth and fruit from our times in band.
  • We have 12 kids in our community! Not just present in body, but actively engaging in sharing God stories, participating in communion, praying for others, reading scripture, and reflecting.  
  • This year we baptized 3 members of our community!
  • We spent intentional time learning about fasting and Sabbath, with most of our members practicing these rhythms on a regular basis.
  • This year we became an official non profit and recently submitted our application for 501(c)3 status.  This will benefit our ministry in quite a few different ways.
  • We have had instances this year where God has prompted some members of our church to give financially to others who are in need as prompted by the Spirit. 

We continue to be so blessed by those of you who pray for us regularly! We could not “carry on” in full time ministry without your covering us in prayer and interceding on our behalf.  Please continue to be praying for us and our ministry! Below are some areas that we need specific prayer in: 

  • Praise – We are giving thanks for how he has sustained us and our church community this year, growing us in hunger and desire for him.  We are praying for even more next year! 
  • Watts – Please continue to pray for Anthony and our family, that God would help us continuously seek his ways and be obedient to him.  That his protection would be over our family and our home.  And specifically for protection over Kylie as she continues to deal with health problems and some spiritual warfare. 
  • Church Members – Please continue to pray for the members of our church.  That God would continue to do his work in them and that they would fall more and more in love with Jesus.

Anthony and I continue to do this ministry full time because of your financial support to our family.  We are so grateful and humbled by this and continue to see God in his provision for us.  Our desire is to continue doing this work full time as long as we are able.  If you are interested in giving a one-time donation to our church or becoming a regular supporter, you can contact us directly or use this link.

Kylie and Anthony