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More Than Mother’s Day

This year I have been reading a devotional with the crochet through Lent group that has challenged me to reflect on Mary in her pregnancy and the inexplicable humility of Jesus to come as a human child from conception through life to death and into resurrection. I’ve never really paused to think about Jesus in the womb but it has been all the more poignant this year as our daughter is expecting her third baby on Mother’s Day (in the UK).  

One of the things the Lord has reminded me is that God did not just send Jesus to die to save us in death. Jesus was sent to journey from conception in the womb, through birth, life and death in our fallen world to bring resurrection and redemption for life with him now and forever. Jesus did not just show us how to overcome the fear of death, he showed us, and still shows us, how to overcome the fear of living in this world. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the LIFE, and he is WITH US. 

Whether or not today is an official mother’s day for you, perhaps you could pause and give thanks for:

  • The humility and humanity of Jesus from conception through life to death and to new life in resurrection that is the source of our life in him. 
  • The witness of Mary in trusting God with all the uncertainties of her pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood by saying “Yes” to God. 
  • The people and places that God has used to bring you into life with him, and those that help you to walk in his Way of Life every day, 

Maybe there are some people you need to connect with to say thank you. Or perhaps someone who needs your encouragement. Follow the prompting of the Spirit and reach out to someone this Mothering Sunday to show them the joy of life with Jesus.
