The Inspire School of Discipleship invites you to join in our newest three courses online! Register now by clicking here ONLINE COURSES
NEW FOR 2021!
Skills of Spiritual Conversation
This new 5-week course delves into the essential characteristic, or ethos, of a Fellowship Band and House Fellowship, spiritual conversation. Left to ourselves, we easily become distracted from our call to follow Jesus, or tempted to settle for lesser things, or quit the journey altogether. As we learn to bear one another’s burdens, however, we draw close to Jesus and the power of his Spirit in our midst. The course unpacks the two key ingredients needed for having spiritual conversation in Fellowship Band and House Fellowship: mutual accountability and spiritual guidance.
Introduction to Inspire Missional Discipleship
This course delves into the Biblical principles for Missional Community. Missional Communities encourage one another to live as everyday missionaries: who befriend their neighbours and invite them home to share life among the community, so they can grow in discipleship together.
Children in Our Midst: Inspire for Children and Families
This 5-week course will delve into how to equip, encourage and journey with children in the Way of Life utilizing the Inspire principles and practices. The course will be good for parents, carers, children’s workers, church leaders, homes fellowship leaders, and anyone who has a heart for being a disciple who is discipling children.
Places are limited so please REGISTER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
At this time there is no charge to attend an Inspire Online Learning Community, although all participants are invited to make a donation to the Inspire Movement so that we can continue to offer resources and ministry at little to no cost.
Inspire Online Learning Communities allow you to
- Grow as a community with committed people around the world for a four to six week period.
- Take each week’s content at your own pace. This allows you to wrestle through the material, think of questions, and post on the online discussion board, before meeting with others online.
- Have deeper conversations during weekly Zoom meetings with the whole learning community.
- Participate in the discussion group for sharing reflections, discussion and learning through the duration of the learning community.
- Receive mentoring by an Inspire Missioner.
- Participants are expected to participate in ALL the weekly Zoom meetings and contribute to the online discussion board during the week.
You can find out more about the Inspire School of Discipleship, and all of our current online courses by clicking the buttons below.