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Pray. Fast. Give.

As we move into a new academic year we are challenging everyone connected with the Inspire Movement to fast and pray about how they might give to the Movement financially, by starting a regular gift or perhaps increasing their giving. 

At the Steering Group we were given a prophecy: “It’s time for Inspire to move out of infancy and into maturity.” A significant part of that is the Lord’s provision of Missioners who can give more substantial time to Inspire. And our stewardship has to include intentionally encouraging people to give financially so that we can offer the necessary support to release those Missioners.

Here are some ways you could help us:

  • Review your own giving to Inspire. 
  • Invite someone you know to include Inspire as part of their tithing gift. 
  • Suggest that your church/fellowship sponsor an Inspire Missioner. 
  • Tell us of any organisations that you know of that might offer grants for disciple making.
  • We’d be happy to talk to you further, or send an Inspire Missioner to ‘inspire’ your fellowship!
  • Pray. Pray. Pray. 

You can make gift to Inspire in a number or ways. Check out our Giving Page or contact us: [email protected]