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Prayer Points June/July

We are focusing our prayers in June/July on the wider Inspire Movement and the Missioners who make it possible.

Please join us in praying for:

Inspire Missioners

  • Reflecting and reviewing their role as Missioner.
  • Seeking the Holy Spirit and to ask one another whether we are where God requires us to be for the coming season.
  • Discerning whether to continue in the role as they are; accept the challenge to get more involved; or perhaps step down from the role of Missioner temporarily or longer term.
  • Praying about if/how to develop their role in the coming year.
  • Those who are wanting to work part or full time with Inspire as they discern how and where to raise financial support.

Inspire Steering Group

  • Meeting on Saturday 27 June. 
  • Representing the Core Teams in Great Britain, Ireland and the USA, as well as the Trustees of the Inspire Movement charities in the UK and USA.
  • Giving oversight to the growing Movement.
  • Vision keepers for the Inspire vision across the Movement.
  • Reflecting on the prophetic pictures and words of wisdom given to us in the last 6 months. Â