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Walking Through Healing With Jesus

On our mid-June visit to Ireland (2023) we went for a really long walk one late afternoon in hot sunshine on a dusty forest trail. It was going to be a few miles which ended up being nearly 13! When I got up the next morning my dirty socks were laid at the foot of the bed where I had taken them off and not had the energy even to throw them in the laundry basket. They were such a comfy pair of socks and I thought how nice it would be to wear those ones for another walk that day. When I picked them up I realised they really did need a wash first! 

As I sat with Jesus, and coffee, a little while later I was pondering about ‘asking good questions’ which is one of the skills we learn on our Skills of Spiritual Conversation course and I needed to add something to the discussion group. But rather than think of question for me to ask someone, I felt like Jesus asked me a question: ‘What burden have you picked up again today, that I helped you to lay down yesterday?’ And the first thing that came to my mind was those dirty socks! 

As we had walked along those beautiful forest trails, Phil, me and Jesus, we did a lot of talking and praying as we revisited some very difficult experiences of this time last year. It was hard, and painful (the walk and the talk!) but all along the way Jesus revealed his faithfulness, his healing and his magnificent power through the glory of creation around us. Taking off the dusty, muddy socks at the end of the day was like laying down the dirt, dust and hurt of the prayer walking and leaving them so that Jesus would take them away and wash us clean. To put on those socks again the next morning would have been like clothing myself in the dirt and grime of things Jesus had already taken from me. 

The socks made it to the washing machine, and I found myself standing firm (in clean socks!) resisting the temptation to take back the hurts Jesus has already healed. Today I am walking with Jesus in freedom from yesterday’s burdens so that I can take step out in faith with him again to walk through the steps of healing he has for me today. 

Samantha and Phil are Missioners seeking to walk faithfully with Jesus in Ireland, England, the USA and wherever else he takes them. 

If you would like someone to pray with/for you on your walk to healing with Jesus, contact our Prayer Coordinator: [email protected]