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We may be good at praying our praises of thanks, interceding and asking for what we need, but then we often fall into the habit of telling God how we want him to fix it! 

Maybe if we started out with ADORATION – praising God just for who he is, not for what he has done – then we would remember who God is and trust that the Sovereign Lord, Creator and Redeemer, knows better than us how to answer our prayer. 

Maybe if we started out with ADORATION, we would fear the Lord – remembering who God is with awe and reverence and believing that He knows what justice is better than we do and He desires all that is good and right for us because His love is greater than ours. 

Abba, You are a good, good Father, Your name is great, Your name is majestic, Your name is holy, Your name is love. You are all I need, and yet You love to hear my voice, You love to hear Your children as we ask, seek, and knock on the door of heaven, and You love it even more when we realize that Your Son has been knocking on the other side and we let Him reveal Himself in a deeper way. Come inside Lord Jesus, in Your fullness! Show me what is on the Father’s tender heart today, I know that is exactly what I need. Praying in the power and presence of Your precious and only Son. Amen.

O Lord our Lord how majestic is your name! The earth is filled with your glory… We will magnify, We will magnify…

Listen HERE to ‘We will magnify’ on Youtube.