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Advent Fulfilment of Promise

When the season of Advent begins varies from one tradition to another, but my Advent candle starts on 1 December. 

Phil and I were at one of our house fellowships on 1 Dec. I took my candle and new advent books to lead our focus time. We have an Indian family and an American family in the fellowship and they had never seen a daily advent candle before, or had a practice of daily Advent devotions. They were awe-struck by the beautiful Advent devotional and journal that we gifted to each family. 

As we sat reflecting on Jesus, the light of the world, we asked one another what we are looking forward to this season. One child said presents, another said celebrations. Someone said doing things that are very different from their traditions back in their home country, and another said spending time with people they have never had Christmas with before. Someone else confessed that the question was a challenge to them because they didn’t know what they were looking forward too, but in that moment they felt that Jesus was shining his light into the hopelessness they were feeling that week. 

Sometimes the children find it hard to sit still and listen and yet that evening they sat quietly for the whole time. The peace of Jesus was evident as they sat transfixed by the candle. 

When Inspire was barely begun someone prophesied that Inspire would be instrumental in transforming the lives of children and families. We have been doing that in all kinds of ways over the years, but the Advent devotional and journal are a tangible sign of God’s fulfilment of that promise. Lots of people have been involved in bring the Advent books to publication. Tabitha wrote the book, Katie illustrated it, Tim designed the layout for the devotional and the journal, Phil did the publishing formatting, people from within, and outside of the Movement, have contributed proof-reading and content, and YOU have made it all possible because of your prayers and your generous giving.

You are all part of our story and the story is not over yet! This year the Advent devotional and journal have been shipped to the USA, Ireland and around the UK. We have heard they are being used in homes, schools and house fellowships. We are so excited that 30 copies have been distributed through a ministry that works with un-churched children. It is already changing lives there because one of the prayers in the book was written by a child who attends that ministry, and a donor came forward so that the books could be given as free gifts to the children. We have been using them in our house fellowships and sharing them as gifts as well.

If you, or someone you know, would like a copy of the Advent devotional and journal, you can find them at the Inspire Book Store, along with our other resources that we publish and distribute ourselves. And if you are not already subscribed to our Inspire newsletters we would recommend them too so that you can join us in celebrating all that God is doing. The weekly Beacon of Hope shares lots of stories of where we see God, along with scriptures, encouragements and prayer points. The monthly e-News highlights things that are happening across the Movement and gives us more space to share the good news!

As you are praying about the gifts you might give this Christmas perhaps you would consider helping us to share even more of the Good News of Jesus through Inspire.

Thank you for being a part of the Inspire story of Jesus. 

Samantha is a full-time Inspire Missioner who has the privilege of being a part of the exciting things God is doing through Inspire around the world.