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As One Year Ends and Another Begins

This is a good time to review the year that is ending and resolve for the year that is beginning. Using the Spiritual Disciplines can help us to focus on what God might be inviting us into. Here are a few for you to think about:

This is a good time to think about an end of year gift. In the USA it is the last chance to make a tax deductible gift in 2020. And perhaps you could start the New Year by becoming a regular donor to Inspire to help us growth the Movement. Click the button below to find out how.

If you don’t already received the Inspire Prayer Bowl we recommend it. Once a month we send reflections on the Way of Life, wisdom and prayer pointers. You can also join the Prayer Group on Signal Messenger.

It can be hard to fast on your own. So join together with us on the last Friday of each month to fast and pray for the Inspire Movement. Subscribe to the Prayer Bowl for more details or contact us at: [email protected]

There are many ways to serve, and support those who are serving too. Could you become a prayer partner and/or financial supporter for an Inspire Missioner this year? Find out more about our Inspire Missioners who are giving themselves to part or full-time ministry with Inspire.

Giving Thanks
Share your stories of thankfulness and where you see God in your everyday life so that we can “spur one another on toward love and good deeds” (Hebrews 10:24) You can send you stories and pictures to [email protected]

Join in one of the Inspire School of Discipleship Courses in 2021. Read below for more information