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Discerning A Word

For March – April we were praying about two ‘words’ that we had received as we test them in the Spirit:

“A scripture came to mind that is often shared from the Hebridean revival in 1949 – The Lewis Awakening
Deut 28:23 The sky over your head will be bronze, the ground beneath you iron.
Deut 30:14 The word is very near you, it is in your mouth and in your heart so you may obey it.
The promise from God was to pour water on the thirsty and flood the dry ground.
After a meeting a young man approached Duncan Campbell and said:
‘Nothing has broken out tonight but God is hovering over us and will break through any moment.  God your honour is at stake.  We are thirsty for a manifestation of your power.’
Felt led to share this with you feel that God is saying if you are obedient the breakthrough will come.”

“The picture was of a lot of fruit (I think, but not clear) being washed in a colander. It felt important that the fruit were held safe and retained. Definitely clean water washing over it. So maybe some kind of cleansing?! But it felt like reassurance that the fruit was held.”

As people were praying about these, the Lord brought something to mind for someone else:

“The first Deut passage from ch28:23 is part of the outline of the results of disobedience. The second from ch 30 is a section starting with v.11 that my Bible headlines, ‘Choose Life’. Ch 30:13 says that the message is not’ across the sea.’ Earlier verses say, ‘it is not in heaven’. It is right here. I was thinking that we don’t have to cross the seas or continents but we are hearing the commandments of God here in the USA, England, Ireland, Scotland, Ukraine, Malaysia and other places, in prison, in churches present and churches to come… if we continue to pray and be obedient we will choose life ourselves and see the Lord increase the fruit. We are to live in the expectation of the coming of the Lord.”

This month (April-May) we are praying about:

  • How is Jesus calling us, in our own lives and as a Movement, to live more expectantly?
  • What does it mean for us, in our own lives and as a Movement, to be obedient in taking care of the fruit we see forming and joining the Lord in cultivating more?
  • Where do we already see breakthrough, in our own lives and as a Movement, and where does the Lord want us to increase hungering and thirsting for more Him?

Do let us know if you feel God is saying something through this for Inspire, or any other inspirations you may have: [email protected]