The image above is from an Inspire Lenten Calendar that we produce for children to help them to follow Jesus’ example to give, fast and pray (Matt 6: 1-18). We invite you to do likewise.
During Lent it is good to GIVE – to take something up – to help us to:
- Share all that Father God has given to us.
- Show Jesus love to others.
- Celebrate new life in the Spirit.
During Lent it is good to FAST – give something up – to help us to:
- Journey in the Father’s love to Good Friday.
- Remember what Jesus did during his 40 days in the desert.
- Celebrate the power of the Spirit on Easter Day – Jesus is alive!
During Lent it is good to PRAY to help us to:
- Draw near to Father God.
- Grow to be more like Jesus.
- Celebrate all that the Spirit does in and through us.
In 2020 we provided some Lenten reflections on the Inspire Blog from the children’s Lenten resource. The dates don’t match for this year, but the reflections are timeless. Click here to read more.
There are a number of opportunities to join in fellowship with the Inspire family in the coming weeks as we start Lent in 2024. See below for more information. Perhaps the Lord has already spoken to you about how he wants to journey with you through Lent. We would love to hear your story. Maybe this newsletter is a helpful reminder that now is a good time to be seeking growth in God and cultivate some spiritual practices to help you.
Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9: 6-8
- Perhaps you could give your time or a financial gift or some expertise to help the Movement to abound in every good work. Could you be a part of the Lord’s provision for the Inspire Movement?
- The Lord is raising up Missioners who are fundraising support for their living costs so that they can devote themselves to Inspire ministry. Would you be willing to join their support team?
- We are promised joy and blessing when we give from our hearts. How is the Lord challenging you to give of your time, prayers, money during this Lenten season?
Join us as we pray together at the start of the Lent. We would love to see you for the whole gathering, but if you can only pop in for a while please do come. We usually meet for about90 minutes.
Monday 12 February 2024
1 p.m. Central / 7 p.m. UK&Ireland
We meet on Zoom so that we can connect with people from across the Movement around the world. It is hard to find a good time to suit everyone across multiple time zones but we trust that you try to join in. You will be blessed, your presence will bless all of us and we know that the Lord always has a mighty blessing for us all when we come together to pray.
Contact us to receive the Zoom link: [email protected]
Lent is is traditionally a season of fasting and prayer so it is a good opportunity to press in deeper in our discipleship. And you don’t have to do that on your own. We would love for you to join us as an Inspire community this Lent.
- Fasting Reflections. Read the weekly posts and reflection questions in the Beacon of Hope through Lent.
- To read the weekly Lenten reflections subscribe to the Beacon of Hope.
- Lent Study Group. Join in as we read together the book A Practical Guide to the Discipline of Fasting and meet for weekly conversation and prayer.
- To participate in the weekly one hour Zoom conversations on Tuesdays register for the ‘Lenten Study’ on the School of Discipleship.