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Holy Week – Tuesday

Using Disciplines

One of my favourite passages of scripture is:

”Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

God has proven himself over and over to be steadfast and true to us however wretched we may be. Praise his Holy Name!


In my Lenten practices I have learned that I need to have a real discipline to carry through my intentions. It helps when I define my intention. I have explored a bit of other Christian traditions and found some very good nuggets there. I would like to sit down and write out how to adapt some of it to my own time of prayer and meditation.  

Also, it has been delightful and encouraging  to participate in our Lenten Crocheting the Way of the Cross group. Again, I find that even gentle accountability is so beneficial in carrying through. 

I want to run this race to the end, and run it well. I’m thankful to be in the company of so many who love Jesus and want to serve Him and His mission.
