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International Steering Group

The Inspire Steering Group are Missioners who carry the responsibility of vision keeping and strategic leadership for the Movement as a whole:

Chair of Steering Group

Brian Yeich

Also Chair, Core Team USA

Brian works as Assistant Provost and Affiliate Professor at Asbury Theological Seminary. He is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church, Louisiana Conference and has Brian has many years of experience in theological education leadership. He completed his PhD under the supervision of Dr. Philip R. Meadows with the University of Manchester/Cliff College in the spring of 2015. Brian’s PhD research focused on the doctrine of Christian perfection and its implications for the theology and practice of evangelism under the title, The Doctrine of Christian Perfection as a Vision for Evangelism.

Phil Meadows

International Director

Phil is a co-founder of the Inspire Movement. He has a background in theological education and training for church leadership, having served on the faculties of Westminster College (Oxford,UK), Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary (Chicago, USA), and Cliff College (Derbyshire,UK). He remains a Senior Research Fellow at Nazarene Theological College (Manchester,UK) and is currently Sundo Kim Professor of Evangelism at Asbury Theological Seminary (Wilmore, KY, USA). His teaching, research and writing interests are in the areas of discipleship, evangelism and mission; and is a specialist in Wesleyan spirituality and the early Methodist movement. Phil is an ordained minister in the Methodist Church Ireland. He and and his wife Samantha live bi-locationally between England and the USA, and also spend a lot of time in Ireland!

Samantha Meadows

Inspire Administrator

Samantha is co-founder of the Inspire Movement. She serves as the Administrator of the Inspire Movement, working from her desks in the UK and USA, and coffee shops in between! She is usually the first point of contact for people connecting with Inspire, and helps to coordinate and resource the various Teams and Missioners across the Movement.

Harold Agnew

Co-Director, Core Team Ireland

Harold is an ordained minister with the Methodist Church in Ireland. He is appointed to the churches in Lurgan, County Armagh. He helps to direct the development of the Movement across Ireland.

Peter Murray

Co-Director, Core Team Ireland

Peter is a retired ordained minister with the Methodist Church in Ireland. He and his wife Liz, live in Ballyclare, Northern Ireland. They have been involved in Inspire for many years and now help to direct the development of the Movement across Ireland.

Phil Cornell

Inspire Missioners, Core Team GB

Phil, and his wife, Liz live in Chesterfield, UK. They have been connected with Inspire for many years. They co-lead an Inspire house fellowship, and mentor fellowship bands. They are involved in multiple expressions of church, and exercise their gifts of hospitality, worship leading, and pastors in lots of contexts.