Online Learning Community
This course is an introduction to Inspire Fellowship Bands and how they are a means of pursuing Jesus’ way of life and growing as missional disciples. We will unpack the characteristics and rhythms of a band meeting as well as practical advice on how to start and sustain your journey in Fellowship Band.
You can watch a short introduction to fellowship bands HERE
What is an Online Learning Community?
- A group of people committed to meeting together over 5 weeks
- Teaching video and resources for you to review in your own time before weekly online teaching conversation
- Weekly gathering on Zoom for 1.5 hours including teaching, conversation and small group discussion
- Discussion board for sharing reflections, discussion and learning through the duration of the learning community
- Mentoring in online band by an Inspire Missioner
Who is it for?
- Anyone!
- who is hungry for more of God
- who wants to learn about and experience Inspire fellowshp bands
- who can commit to all the sessions
Schedule For Introduction to Fellowship Bands Online Learning Community
Introductions and Getting Started
TBA: Zoom Teaching Conversation
Following Jesus’ Way of Life
TBA: Zoom Teaching Conversation
Characteristics of Fellowship Band
TBA: Zoom Teaching Conversation
Starting The Fellowship Band Journey
TBA: Zoom Teaching Conversation
Rhythms for Discipleship, Q&A and ‘What Next?’
TBA: Zoom Teaching Conversation
Zoom Meetings will start at
11:30 a.m. (Pacific)
1:30 noon (Central)
2:30 p.m. (Eastern)
7:30 p.m. (GMT/UTC)
9:30 p.m. (Eastern European)
- There is no charge to be a part of this Inspire Online Learning Community.
- You will find it helpful to purchase a copy of ‘The Fellowship Band: A Quick Guide’ from the Inspire Bookstore. CLICK HERE
- Participants are expected to commit to all the sessions because the learning community is as much, if not more, about the fellowship of the community as it is about the learning.
- We do ask that all participants make a donation to Inspire, so that we can continue to offer training, develop resources, and provide support from Missioners
- Register for the Learning Community using the form below.
- Please respond by TBA~ Places may be limited so please RSVP ASAP
- You need to be registered on the Inspire website to participate in an Inspire Online Learning Community. If you already have an account, please check your login details: LOGIN If you don’t have an account you can JOIN HERE
- You will find it helpful to purchase a copy of ‘The Fellowship Band: A Quick Guide’ from the Inspire Bookstore. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS
Not the right time?
- If the timing of the Zoom teaching conversations on Wednesdays is an obstacle to your joining this Learning Community, please contact us. There may be an option for an additional cohort to meet in an evening in the USA.
- If you are unable to commit to all the sessions at this time, you can register your interest to participate in an online learning community at a future date and we will contact you with details as they become available.
To Register: complete the Registration Form below.
To Contact us: CONTACT