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Jesus Came to Heal

Am I Developing My Spiritual Gifts?

Happy Eastertide to you and your family! Every year around this time, Christians around the world celebrate the death and resurrection of our LORD Jesus Christ. Jesus came to heal, redeem, and restore all of creation to Himself. His death on the cross made restoration possible, yet we will not experience full restoration until the new creation. While we must wait to experience the fullness of the work of the cross, great healing and redemption can be found now!

This past month the LORD gave me the opportunity to lead a retreat focused on pursuing Him for a greater fullness of healing and restoration in our lives. Throughout Lent, a number of people read a devotional centered around seeking the LORD for healing. After Easter, those who were able came together for a weekend to dive deeper into what it looks like to allow Christ into our brokenness and heal our wounds. The purpose of the retreat was threefold:

  1. To love, encourage, and sit with one another as we sought the LORD for greater healing in our lives.
  2. To grow in our ability to walk with others in healing.
  3. To learn what it looks like to have a rhythm of healing and wholeness in our lives.

The LORD blessed our time greatly and met each person in a personalized and powerful way. The nature of this ministry does not allow me to freely tell others’ stories, but here are a few excerpts I have been given permission to share.

  • “What a blessing it was to be able to attend the retreat. The Lord met me in a few ways in the retreat. First, through the continual fellowship with one another all throughout the retreat. Second, I experienced the joy of the Lord amidst our sharing of our stories, listening to the Holy Spirit for one another, love from friends, laughter, worship times, hospitality, eating around the table together, praying with each other, and shedding of tears. As we leaned into the various sessions of the healing retreat, I felt the Lord emphasize the Heavenly Father’s GIFT is unending LOVE & pursuit for me & every person made in His image. “
  • “The LORD met with me during the retreat. I felt Him inviting me to give Him my fears and step more fully into the life He has for me.”
  • “I came to the retreat not knowing what to expect, but trusting God would move. I left with greater clarity regarding the things I have been feeling. I look forward to Jesus continuing to speak into my life and giving me freedom.”

Thank you for your continued prayers and partnership in the work the LORD is doing!

Hannah is an Inspire Missioner based in Wilmore, KY, USA. She fundraises support for her living costs so that she can give her full-time to healing prayer, and other Inspire, ministries.