New learning platform
We trialled a new learning platform during the Autumn. We will be launching all our online courses on the platform in 2023 and hope that it will provide an even better experience of our learning communities that our previous ‘home-made’ platform did.
Missioner training
Inspire Missioners can access our online training and all our resources for free. We ask them to partite in at least one online training per year both for their own discipleship and for their ministries. Missioners help to facilitate teaching and to mentor participants in trial bands on each course, and they can learn how to lead in person training as well. If you are an interested in finding out more about being an Inspire Missioner contact us.
Free Methodist Church-UK
We are beginning a partnership with the FMC-UK to deliver our online courses as an element of their ministerial training programme. Participants will join in the learning communities both to learn and to share wisdom from their own contexts and experiences. We are excited to see how God will use this partnership to develop church planting as well as for ministerial development.
Church Planting
The Inspire Church Partners cohort brings together people who are using Inspire principles and practices to church plant. The chart includes those who are re-potting congregations, those seeking to revitalise existing churches, those in missionary contexts, as well as those starting from scratch. If you are interested in finding out more of joining in, get in touch.
DNA Book Study
We are organising some focused learning communities to guide people in the teaching and study included in our book, The DNA of Discipleship: the way of Jesus, Wesleyan spirituality and making disciples. And Inspire Missioner will lead a small group that may be multi-regional but could also be a local group. If you would be interested in joining in, or organising a group in your area, please contact us.
Online courses this year:
- Introduction to Missional Discipleship: introducing the Inspire vision for discipleship and mission and the purpose of fellowship bands and house fellowship, as well as their place in the wider life of the church.
- Introduction to Fellowship Band: introducing Inspire fellowship bands and how they are a means of pursuing Jesus’ Way of Life and growing as missional disciples. This course uses the book Fellowship band: A Quick Guide.
- Skills of Spiritual Conversation: delving into the essential characteristic, or ethos, of a fellowship band and house fellowship, spiritual conversation.
- Biblical Principles of Missional Community: examining the biblical principles for missional community where we encourage one another to live as everyday missionaries wherever we are.
- Introduction to House Fellowship: exploring how to envision, start, develop and multiply house fellowships, and their importance as part of an ecology of fellowships with Fellowship Band and Learning Communities. This course uses the book House Fellowship: A Quick Guide.
- DNA of Discipleship: a focused learning community meeting as a small group of up to 6 people. It uses the book, The DNA of Discipleship: the way of Jesus, Wesleyan spirituality and making disciples, to explore the life of Jesus and how he draws us into a life of intimacy and imitation.
Online learning communities:
- Bring together people from different places and contexts.
- Include a taster-band/small group with a Missioner mentor.
- Grow community as well as learning.
- Are for ordinary disciples, including church leaders!
- Aim to equip Spirit-filled disciples for everyday mission.
- Allow you to take the same course more than once! The content may be the same but the conversation is always different and inspiring:-) And you could invite someone to come with you!
- Are rich in content but don’t have essays or exams. We do provide assessment for people who are participating for continued professional development or ministerial training.
Already done online training? What now?
Even if you were not thinking of doing another online course, we would encourage you to continue to deepen your discipleship and stay connected with Inspire to help you do that. Here are a few ideas:
- Subscribe to the weekly Beacon of Hope for regular updates and wisdom for following the way of life.
- Contact an Inspire Missioner to talk about how you could start fellowship bands in your local area.
- Invite someone to join you on an introductory online course to encourage them to grow closer to Jesus.
- Join in other Inspire opportunities. For example: Church Planters Cohort, Inspire Scholars, Prayer Team, be an Inspire Missioner. Contact us to join in
- Participate in a different online learning community to grow in your own discipleship and meet fellow disciples from different places.