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Online Fellowship Bands

Inspire wisdom teaches us that face to face, in person bands are the very best kind of fellowship. But sometimes we need to get creative. For many years we have been using online bands to help keep people connected to one another and to God. In this season of pandemic we are turning to the wisdom we have gathered to help people to maintain their fellowship bands and to start new ones!

Below you will find some testimonies. If you would like to know more about how to do online fellowship bands we would love to connect you with an Inspire Missioner. CONTACT US.

“Due to geographic distance, both the bands I am involved in have always been online and have been extremely meaningful. My Band of Beloveds (the name of my U.S. band) is getting ready to share our 3 year anniversary–and these dear sisters know more about me than anyone on the face of the earth. We hold to the “death or dismemberment” for our priority in meeting, rarely missing our weekly Zoom time. We do try to have a retreat together at least once a year and those in-person times are all the more glorious!

My Inspire Online Missioner band has met just a few times and is quickly coming to have the same bonds. We are four women from Nevada, and Kansas in USA, England and Ireland.”

“Our little band is thinking of meeting online. Our study group also meets using Zoom. So this is a good way to meet up online (other online meeting providers are obviously available). Indeed it was the Inspire Prayer Team which taught me first how to use online meetings. Thank you.”

“Our online band … has been resurrected and we are supporting each other in three different nations  The message of hope of Jesus is still alive and wellness comes from the hope that IS Christ Jesus. We were raised for just this moment”