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Recommended Resource: Changing Church

Throughout the pandemic “Churches have continued to meet in a variety of forms and following different guidance across the UK. However, in the coming weeks and months almost all churches will look to gather in person. If the statistics are correct, some will be welcoming new Christians who have encountered Jesus for the first time online while others will struggle with dwindling attendance. Many will offer hybrid services and look for new ways to innovate, while others may never re-open.

Re-entry could prove to be the most challenging part of the whole journey for churches. Pastors and leaders are tired and there is no â€‹â€˜one size fits all’ approach. Each church is different and the community and context within which they operate is unique. Church may not be rocket science — it is far more complicated than that some of you are thinking — but it is challenging, and so we at the Evangelical Alliance will be continuing to offer a suite of resources to help the changing church in this new season.” 

The Evangelical Alliance is made up of hundreds of organisations, thousands of churches and tens of thousands of individuals, joined together for the sake of the gospel. Representing our members since 1846, the Evangelical Alliance is the oldest and largest evangelical unity movement in the UK. 

United in mission and voice, we exist to serve and strengthen the work of the church in our communities and throughout society. Highlighting the significant opportunities and challenges facing the church today, we work together to resource Christians so that they are able to act upon their faith in Jesus, to speak up for the gospel, justice and freedom in their areas of influence.

The Evangelical Alliance is the founding member of the World Evangelical Alliance, which unites evangelical alliances based around the world, representing up to an estimated one billion evangelical Christians worldwide. This reflects the global reach and influence of evangelical faith, which can also be seen in the huge social and ethnic diversity in evangelical churches within the UK.