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Testimonials from Inspire House Fellowships

The Inspire ecology of fellowships includes fellowship band, house fellowship and learning community. Some people just have band, some have house fellowship and some participate in all the kinds of fellowship!

We recommend that fellowship bands and house fellowship take an opportunity 2 or 3 times a year to pause and ask “How goes it with our fellowship?” It provides a space for a kind of health check, so that we can encourage one another, challenge one another, and stay focused as we remain faithful to the ethos of Inspire fellowships and leading the of the Spirit.

Below are some of the recent testimonies we have received. You can find lots of information about Inspire fellowships on the website and we are always happy to share our gathered wisdom to help others to form and flourish in inspire-d fellowship.

“My Inspire house fellowship is a necessity for me”

 “I did not have a good family growing up and I don’t really have a relationship with those who are biologically my family. Inspire has given me the family I never had.”

“Our Inspire house fellowship has been life giving for my whole family. Our children engage at their own pace”

“Being single it is hard for me to find family. House fellowship has been lifeline family for me.”

“As a pastor, Sunday church is work for me, house fellowship is my church where I am ministered to.”

“The Inspire fellowships I am in push me to seek Jesus more. In particular, recently, I’ve been motivated to be in the Word more. I’ve known it is something I needed to do, but it took hearing another person’s passion for Scripture in order to get me going.”

“Each person in my house fellowship is like a hug from God.”

“The ministry I was a part of before I came here really abused the word family. It left a bad taste my mouth and I vowed to never use the word family in a ministry context ever again.  But, Inspire has redeemed the word family for me. I now see what it means to be a family with those you are in fellowship with. Thank you!”

“Family prayer is close to our heart and house fellowship is where were learn and are encouraged to pray more.”

“Inspire fellowships have ruined me for the church! I mean that in a good way. I have learned what it means to really be the church and how Christians should interact with one another. There’s no going back. I will never see things the same again.”

“My house fellowship family listen to God for me and help me to hear Him better.”

“Our house fellowship was our life line in a really difficult time. We’ve never experienced anything like it. They live out what they say they believe. There is no hesitation to ask for help “

“In seeking and seeing God in our house fellowship, our family has changed.”

“I love the way we stop and listen to God all the time. I can’t always hear him on my own. I like that people help me to listen and hear.”

“I have found myself re-orientating to the good graces of God.”

“House fellowship has given me more hope for what life and ministry really looks like.”

“I have grown in a spirit of appreciation for children as they share in our fellowship.”

And the young children had something to say too. We asked them, ‘What is the best thing about house fellowship?’:

  • “We engage with house fellowship because we like it.”
  • “It is an answer to prayer because it is a small fellowship.”
  • “Sharing God stories”
  • “Dessert”
  • “Miss Sam’s Jesus bread!”
  • “Praying for people”