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Building a Community of Disciplemakers

God put a vision in my heart and it has multiplied into more than a hundred people over the last 4 years. Evergreen isn’t just a church plant, it’s a family and a home. We are blessed 🙂

Through 2022 in Evergreen Church, we continued to experience growth and multiplication, as well as much transition in the first half of the year. We had the first closure of a Missional Community as all but one of those leaders moved into new ministry contexts/placements. We continued preparing for and launched a new Missional Community in Milan, south of Ann Arbor. God led two pastors and their families to quit full time vocational pastoring jobs and join Evergreen as co-vocational/multi-vocational pastors. We celebrated the ordination of one of our pastors in September. We have become inter-generational as five new people 50+ have joined our Ypsi MC. We feel this is an answer to prayer for mentors and elders to feel called to invest in their own missional disciplemaking and the Millennial, Gen Z, and Gen Alpha generations! We continue to prioritize raising disciplemakers, developing and supporting leaders, and are also focusing on deepening our prayer and fasting culture as we long for awakening in our cities.

We have been building a community and family of true disciplemakers over the last 4 years. One of our own put together a 6 minute video from pictures and videos from the last 4 years of Evergreen. I hope you’ll watch it and give thanks with us at what the LORD has done in planting and continuing to grow us.

Derik is an Inspire Missioner who uses Inspire as his ‘operating system’ for planting missional communities. Read more and connect with Evergreen HERE