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Close To You

I wrote a song with my friend, John, during the outpouring at Asbury University earlier in 2023. It is about our longing for communion with God, ultimately for the marriage supper of the Lamb. It is from the perspective of the church, from God, and the chorus is the church again, expressing both desire and exhortation.

Close to You

Sing over us
Shepherd us
We’re falling to our knees
Just to be
Close to You
Your presence is our peace
We long to be
Close to You

I’m here
I never ceased
Come taste and see
The secrets of my heart
I’ll reveal
As you linger
My presence is your peace
Come and feast
I won’t make you leave

Full communion
We desire
To be face to face
Won’t You come back faster?
That day’s coming
Keep your hunger
Soon we’ll feast
With our king for eternity

© Denis Barbus and John Crowe 2023

LISTEN TO Close to You


Denis is an Inspire Missioner based in Wilmore, KY, fundraising support so that he can do ministry with Inspire whilst he is working on his Seminary studies. Read more HERE.