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Inspire In Person Training

In February the GB Core Team ventured south, through Storm Eunice (Click here to read more about the adventure of the journey), to deliver the first in-person training retreat in England for over 2 years! It was a significant moment for the Team and a significant moment for the inviting Church.

Over the weekend, Matt Wright and the Team shared with Freedom Church Bristol all about the invitation we have to abide more deeply with God, not just for our own benefit but for the benefit of those we live with and come across in our everyday lives. We abide deeply with Christ so that we can go out and be missional in the world.

Throughout the weekend God was working. The teaching was excellent and the times of centring, prayer, praise and fellowship all contributed to lives being changed. As the weekend went on, people were challenged by the invitation to pursue God like he pursues us. Some, who were more mature in the faith, had the exciting, and yet daunting, challenge of developing their relationship with God beyond the simplistic, ‘me and God’ phase to ‘me and the Trinity’, with each part of the Trinity having a unique and dynamic relationship worth investing in. Others were captured by the idea that time spent with God must result in action and not just action for the sake of it, but action that produces fruit!

Here are a few things that people shared during a time of testimony:

  • “We need to be more available to God. God could use us so much more powerfully if only we made ourselves available”
  • “This weekend has helped compound what God has been saying for months to me personally.”
  • “The teaching has given me a lot to go away and think about. I’m not sure I can stay the same after all this!”
  • “It has become clear to me during this weekend that you cannot spend time with God and neglect to DO”

Rachel, Matt, Phil and Liz, GB Core Team

If you would like to know more about Inspire in person training retreats, or invite a Missioner to come and talk to your local church/community/context, then CONTACT US.