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Inspire on the Road

Almost 30 years ago, Brian and I set out on our journey together. We thought that journey would be serving local churches in our home conference and soon we settled into the life of an itinerate Methodist minister. However, as we rounded a bend in the comfortable path we had been traveling, we discovered God had other plans…academics. Two degrees later, we began settling into the life of an academic administrator and professor.  While there have been several bends and curves along the way, we were never anticipating a diversion from the path which had been set before us.  Now we are realizing all of those bends and curves have been there to prepare us for a new path, one that will utilize all the lessons learned, all the experiences shared, and all the memories made.

July 2022 our family will be journeying down a new path involving pastoring, teaching, mentoring, and traveling around the United States and even overseas. The Inspire Movement is reaching many people who are searching for a way to deepen their relationship with God and show the love of Christ to those in their own communities. And while they embrace the vision, many people struggle with how to implement the principles and practices of Inspire in their local contexts. Our family is now being called to help fill this gap. We will be taking Inspire on the road, traveling to churches and organizations teaching about Inspire and mentoring bands and fellowships. You can read more about our plans on our donor page:

In order to be obedient to the full-time ministry of Inspire on the Road, we have recently begun fundraising the support we need for our basic living and ministry expenses. We covet your prayers as we step out in faith on this new endeavor. If you would like to be a part of our journey, you can follow us at the links below.

Above our bed is the scripture Joshua 1:9. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” As we begin this new journey, we hold fast to the promise that He who has sent us will be walking with us each step of the way.

Brian and Misty, are Inspire Missioners. Brian is also the Chair of the Inspire International Steering Group and President of the Board of Trustees for the Inspire Movement charity in the USA. They currently live in WiImore, Kentucky but will be moving into a ‘moving home’ (also know as an RV!) in June/July.