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Inspire Ireland

Under Construction

This regional micro-site is under construction and will be fully operational soon. You can use the tabs at the top of the page to begin to explore, but do keep checking back for updates.

Missioner Teams

Regional Missioner Teams are small groups of Inspire Missioners that come together for mutual support to advance the Movement in their own local contexts and across a localized geographic region. The aim is to have multiple teams across a nation that are multiplying organically. They work under the general oversight of the International Steering Group and are resourced by the Inspire Worldwide Team.

The main responsibilities of a Missioner Team are:

  • Advocating for the Inspire vision for Missional Discipleship and ecology of disciple-making.
  • Developing the start up and reproduction of Fellowship Bands and House Fellowships.
  • Training in the Inspire ecology through teaching retreats and Learning Communities.