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New Series for Spiritual Disciplines

For several years in the Inspire Movement we have been using a little booklet that Phil Meadows wrote on the discipline of fasting. It has been used by individuals, small groups, and churches, to accompany teaching. It has proved to be really helpful for many people learning and growing in the practice of fasting. Up until now it has been available on request or at teaching retreats.

We are delighted to announce the publication of A Practical Guide to the Discipline of Fasting. It will arrive in the Inspire Book Shop just after Easter.

This is the first in a new series that we are working on to help us to grow in the Spiritual Disciplines. The series is not intended to be a comprehensive collection of in depth material, but rather short practical guides that provide wisdom to help you start, maintain and grow through spiritual disciplines to become more like Jesus.

If you saw the original booklet then you will definitely want a copy of the newly published edition. As well as all the original content, we have reformatted the text to make it easier to read; included updates from our gathered wisdom; and added questions for reflection and discussion for personal or group study.

This is a really helpful practical guide to fasting that we think you will want to return to time and again to refresh your own spiritual practices. It is also a great resource to give to your friends, use in your fellowship band, or share with your house fellowship and small groups.

Watch out for details and order a copy after Easter at the Inspire Shop.