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Scripture Inspired Space

During August, the young people called ‘Kingdom Warriors’ and ‘Kingdom Army’ at Ardfallen Methodist Church in Douglas, Co Cork, Ireland, came together to transform a meeting room into a scripture inspired space. Amy tells the story

“Last month, the Kingdom Warriors met up in the link room to discuss its redecoration. We had been planning to do this for a long time since it was going to be one of our new Sunday school rooms. We wanted it to look less boring and more welcoming.

Firstly, we all helped to clear out all of the old junk that was in the room, some of it was dumped, the rest of it was put in storage. We then ended up changing the colour of the walls, skirting board and the rads from yellow to white and that immediately made the room look brighter and even bigger. The boys also glued back down parts of the carpet that had lifted on the floor over time.

We came back at a later date to discuss what designs we were going to put on the wall by sharing our favourite pictures, murals and bible quotes with each other. Everyone pitched in a few ideas beforehand so it was a team effort. It was really fun getting to draw and paint on the walls and as we progressed, the room started to really come together.

A week later more of the Kingdom Warriors and a few teens from the Kingdom Army group came to join us with the finishing up of the room. This day was the most fun because we got to see people we hadn’t seen in a long time due to Covid 19 and it was nice getting to do the artwork while catching up.

The boys also painted and reconstructed some old tables and chairs that were in the room instead of dumping them like we had planned to do.

All in all, the project was very successful and the room looks so much more bright and welcoming, ready for future Sunday school lessons and bible studies.”

Please join us in praying for the young people of Ardfallen Methodist Church and those in their neighbourhoods, that they will stand on promises of God that are inscribed on the walls.