The Inspire School Discipleship seeks to equip people all over the world to be Spirit-filled disciples of Jesus on mission with God in everyday life.
We have lots of testimonies of the impact that our online courses have had on people’s lives, especially over the last year when in-person gatherings have been difficult of impossible. Here are a few words from people who have been a part of recent courses:
“To be challenged [by the Inspire teaching] to walk each day as Jesus walked, to even be able to imagine what that would look like for me, it’s been life changing and life giving for me.”
“I love my sample band in this class! It was wonderful to be part of the [bigger group] discussion with so many facets and subtle difference in point of vie that really enriched my understanding of some of these [reflection] questions.”
“I knew this course would be challenging, but WOW! I never ever thought that so many of the things I practiced and believed are basically wrong. I have always been comfortable just attending worship services on a regular basis, and social gatherings occasionally… why did I never hear of bands!?!? This whole new meaning of fellowship will take some getting used to. My challenge has just begun!”
“I have watched these videos multiple times, but they never stop encouraging and teaching me. “
“Thanks for the insights in the video that have increased my interest for discipleship. I am challenged to revisit my way of doing mission and I pray to win souls more by the way I live”
“Jesus has instilled in me a yearning for a real connection with other Christians. This class has provided the tools I need to get started as well as the push”
“I have been very fortunate to be among such an inspiring group thru these past 5 weeks. These weeks have helped me set a course of redirection toward a greater commitment to follow Jesus and expanding more devoted time with God each day to draw closer to being instep with Christ as the Holy Spirit directs me.”
“I am really thankful to God for the Inspire Movement and the great people I am meeting as a result. The love, passion, joy and integrity of the folk on this course is such an encouragement to me. Thank you all.”
We would like to invite YOU to join in and experience an Inspire Online Learning Community.
All our online courses:
- bring together people from different places and contexts
- include a taster-band with a Missioner mentor
- grow community as well as learning
- are for ordinary disciples, including church leaders!
- are rich in content but don’t have essays or exams
- aim to equip Spirit-filled disciples for everyday mission
- allow you to take the same course more than once! The content may be the same but the conversation is always different and inspiring:-) And you could invite someone to come with you!
If you would like some help deciding which course to join in then please don’t hesitate to contact us.
There is still time to register for courses before Christmas. And we encourage you to plan ahead! Maybe you could set your New Year resolutions now and register for an Inspire online course so that you can be more intentional about deepening your life of discipleship with Jesus in 2022
Here are highlights of what is coming up online in the School of Discipleship in the next six months:
- Introduction to Fellowship Band: introducing Inspire Fellowship Bands and how they are a means of pursuing Jesus’ Way of Life and growing as missional disciples. Closing date for Autumn/Fall registration Wednesday 27 October. (The course will also be offered in Mar-Apr 2022)
- Discipling Children in Our Midst – (with focus on Advent): This course helps to equip anyone who has a heart for being a disciple who is discipling children, to use the Inspire Way of Life in principle and practice in the family (home), in missional community (House Fellowship) and in gatherings (Church). Closing date for registration Monday 1 November
- Introduction to Missional Discipleship: introducing the Inspire vision for discipleship and mission and the purpose of fellowship bands and house fellowship, as well as their place in the wider life of the church. (Jan-Feb 2022 AND Mar-Apr 2022)
- Skills of Spiritual Conversation: delving into the essential characteristic, or ethos, of a Fellowship Band and House Fellowship, spiritual conversation. (Jan-Feb 2022)
- Biblical Principles of Missional Community: this 7 week course looks at the Biblical Principles for Missional Community where we encourage one another to live as everyday missionaries wherever we are. (April-May 2022)
*Remember that some of these courses are best taken AFTER an Introductory course, so plan ahead! Click the button below for more details.