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Way of Life

At the heart of the Inspire Movement is discipleship as a Way of Life. Jesus is our example as we recognise four core values that form the basic DNA of His Way of Life:

  • Seeking growth in the love of God
  • Using disciplines as means of grace
  • Sharing fellowship with spiritual friends
  • Engaging mission through love of neighbour

You may noticed that each week in the Beacon of Hope we have something of an emphasis on one of these values. But it may not always be obvious because, although each value is distinctive, they are all interlinked. Discipleship is a whole life, all of life, endeavour and our goal is grow to be like all of Jesus, not just part of him! 

We are so thankful to God for the inspiration he has given us and the wisdom he has imparted over the last 15 years since Inspire was birthed. The vision of Inspire is to share that inspiration and wisdom so that more people will become disciples who abide deeply with God and live as every day missionaries where ever they are. 

Inspire has always focused on personal relationships with people, and we still do! We love to share wisdom with people and build friendships and partnerships with people. Get in touch to chat about what God is doing, and/or how we might be able to help you in your discipleship.

We also recognise the value of sharing wisdom through publications, media and other means. Check out the Inspire Book Store for previews of our latest publications. Explore the website for news, information and ideas about how to join in with what God is doing. 

We give thanks to God for YOU. Your support – encouragements, prayer, financial gifts, and practical helps – is the Lord’s provision for the Inspire Movement so that we can keep helping people to follow Jesus.Â