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Where God Calls He Provides

When God called us back to Louisiana, I just had to shake my head. I am a southern California weather girl, living through Kentucky winters, and trying not to melt in the heat of the summers. I had no intentions of ever moving back to the oppressive heat of humidity thick summers in the south. However, God had other plans and, well, it’s always better to follow his plans than mine own.

“The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” 

Especially this summer, the images brought to mind in reading Isaiah 58:11 touch home in a much more tangible way than ever before. When the “feels like” temp reaches 107, the image of being a well-watered garden in a sun-scorched land becomes beautifully vivid in your mind. You can feel the parchedness and oppressiveness of the heat that leaves you weary and lethargic. You can see in your mind’s eye the vibrant flowers thriving as the sunlight pours down upon them and life-giving water soaks up through their roots. 

As God provides this spring of unfailing water to the garden, He has been providing for us as He has called us on this journey. The sale of our home could not have gone any smoother. God provided the perfect family to take over our property and continue to the dream of the beautiful natural sanctuary it could become. Our move went smoothly and we were blessed with the young hands and backs to help get us loaded and on our way, as well, as with as a wonderful friend to drive the moving truck while Brian drove our truck and trailer.  We will have to introduce you “Al” (the trailer) soon.

Brian has already begun making local connections and setting up future times to meet with pastors and lay persons expressing an interest in Inspire’s discipleship movement. We are excited to get these conversations started and share with others about this ministry and how they can live out the life of a disciple of Jesus Christ in their own communities.

The camper will be our home for several months, while we work on renovating Brian’s grandmother’s house. This house was built by his grandfather in 1943, and, while it was built well, it needs a lot of work before we can move in and make it our home.  At this point we are estimating six months to a year to finish the renovations. 

As I think about this house and God’s provision, I find it so like Him in how it all fits together. We have been given the opportunity to purchase a family home of Brian’s and then re-love it through a family inheritance of mine.  We are also able to purchase our “home on wheels” through that inheritance and be able to live debt-free.

Of course, we do need to be able to eat and pay bills, which brings me to another one of God’s provisions. Brian has been given a few online teaching opportunities for this summer and fall, as well as, starting a consulting business called “Pathforward Consulting”. With the business, Brian’s main objective will be working with Christian schools to help them through the ever important academic accreditation process. He can also work with churches, schools, or organizations with any other academic, administrative, or pastoral consulting needs.

While these “tent-making” opportunities will not be enough to supply all the income we will need for living and ministry expenses, God is beginning to provide through the generous donations of friends and family. In order for us to focus on the ministry locally and on the road, we do need to continue to receive funding. For 2022-2023, we need to raise about $48,000. Figuring out the travel costs with an RV will be a learning curve, so I know we will have to make adjustments to the budget along the way as we live out the unknown.

As always, we covet your prayers as we keep walking down this road God has called us on.

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