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Inspire Missioners 2020-21

Every year in June, the Inspire Movement Steering Group sets aside time to give thanks for all the Inspire Missioners that have served in the past year, and to recognise the commitment of those who are continuing, or joining, as Inspire Missioners for the coming year.

An Inspire Missioner is someone who is committed to the Inspire vision of mission-shaped discipleship and the development of the Inspire Movement as a means to that end.

For 2020-21 we recognised 50 Missioners for the Inspire Movement in the USA, UK, Ireland, Spain, Ukraine, Israel and China.  

They are all using the Inspire vision in their own contexts and are available to help others to do the same. Missioners come together regularly, usually online, as a community of Missioners for support, equipping and encouragement. Many of them help with the development of resources and delivery of training.

Please keep them in your prayers for

  • Protection from the enemy who tries to come against them because Inspire is fruitful.
  • Peace out of which they can exercise their role of Missioner in the contexts that the Lord has placed them.
  • Perseverance to press in deeper with the Lord for themselves and for the people He leads them to.
  • Plans that follow the blow of the Spirit and do not get ahead of the Lord’s purposes. 

If you are interested in finding about more about being an Inspire Missioner, or you would like to connect with a Missioner in your area, then CONTACT US

The International Steering Group gives oversight to the whole Movement. Three national Core Teams give oversight of the growing Movement in Great Britain, Ireland and the USA. You can read more about the Missioners that serve on those Teams by clicking the links below.