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An Invitation to In Person Inspire Training

Our preference is always for in person training through learning communities and retreats because we were made to be present with people. In person gatherings have a depth of fellowship that is transformative in a way that is difficult, though not impossible, to find online. We have found it online during this season of pandemic as our online training to be an invaluable source of encouragement. We are going to continue to offer all our online courses especially because they enable us to connect people internationally.

However we are very excited, that with pandemic restrictions lifting in some places, we are beginning to think about in person training. Wherever we are able to do in person training it will be carefully planned and prepared to follow all local guidelines for safety. We will keep you updated in the e-News and on the website. If you would like us to come and do a retreat day or training in your context please get in touch.

When two members of Guisborough Methodist Church in England attended an Inspire online course last year they were so Inspire-d by the Lord that they went back to their church to tell everyone! Now we are preparing to go and deliver our first in person training in the UK in nearly two years. If you are near to Guisborough you are welcome to join in. If not, we recommend you register for an online course this Autumn/Fall and see what the Lord has in store for you. (See above for details of the online courses) 

You are invited…. Inspire Weekend at Guisborough Methodist Church, England

An Introduction to Missional Discipleship, Fellowship Bands and Spiritual Conversation.

“The goal of Inspire is to help Christians combine growth in personal spirituality with a commitment to evangelistic mission. The combination of the two form what they call ‘mission-shaped disciples’ – people who are growing in their love of God AND in their ability to share God’s love with their neighbour. At the heart of Inspire is a set of personal commitments that we call the ‘way of life’. It has four dimensions: Spiritual growth, Using disciplines, Sharing fellowship, Engaging mission.

The heartbeat of Inspire is the formation of small groups, called ‘fellowship bands’, in which people gather for mutual encouragement, spiritual conversation and support in following the ‘way of life’. Inspire is an ecumenical movement and its inspiration comes from the ministry, teaching and practice of John Wesley.”

Saturday 16th October â€“ 9:30am – 4pm including refreshments and lunch. Welcome, Devotions, Worship, Teaching session 2 & 3

Friday 15th October â€“ 7pm -9pm – Welcome, Devotions, Worship, Teaching session 1

Cost £5 on entry