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From the Online Learning Communities

The Inspire Online Learning Communities bring together people from around the world for training, conversation, reflection and the practice of fellowship band.

Here are some of the testimonials from the Spring Online Learning Communities …

What difference has it made?

“This was a reminder to me of keeping what is important in front of me.  It is so easy to become distracted with church  and family work and concerns and forget the call to make disciples for Jesus.  Also, I have had a reminder of what it means to be a whole life disciple.  These are not new ideas for me, but it is good, great to be reminded.”

“I valued the ability to go out of my comfort zone in a positive environment- i.e. out of  institutional church, and bland conversations and get a taste for real, rooted spiritual relationships and conversations.”

“It made me realize that I can grow in my vulnerability with my parishioners. Every time I have, it has been fruitful. I also was reminded how much we need others in our spiritual journey- so both help me fight the pastoral stigmas of not being vulnerable with your congregation and that pastors are silos of ministry.”

“The Learning Community nudged me to be far more open and honest about the spiritual aspects of discipleship as well as the reminder of the importance of real, honest reflection on progress. It reinforced the primary need for guided spiritual reflections and conversations to be at the heart of missional discipleship.”

“It helped me to relax into the posture that it is about faithfulness not success, and I want to be more intentional about the means of grace.”

“This has helped me to be more focused on making disciples where God has put me now, and being willing to go where God leads us without me telling God what the direction needs to be.”

“We are planning to start leadership bands in our church, with a view to making bands part of our church’s rhythm of discipleship.”

What was good about the Inspire Online training?

“Being part of an international community in real time is just extraordinary.”

“It is helpful to hear how others are keeping Jesus the main thing in a busy life that is full of distractions and attractions.  The accountability of sharing with others in a deep way helps keep me focused on that.”

“I loved having contact with so many people that are in love with Jesus!  I also found it helpful to have someone else “interpret” some of the information in the Quick Guide.  It made me think of things in new ways.”

“I like to hear reflections of other people and what Jesus says to me through their comments or experiences or questions.”

“I valued the balance of instruction and practice in each training session.”

“I think this was well done.  You guys are authentic (the presenters) and approachable. I like it!!”

“I enjoyed the ability to be on the call with people from all over the world, and not just the states. I always enjoy opportunities to learn and grow with others from across the globe.”

“Thank you for the wonderful training from Inspire! I am indebted to all of you and the Lord for the teaching, insight, and perspective it gave me. “

Was the trial band at the end of each session helpful?

“The most important part for me personally was the opportunity to practice band. For me it was a great encouragement and a gift from God. I realized that even if I don’t know people at all, everything is possible if each of us has a great thirst and hunger for more of Jesus Christ in our everyday walk.”

“Having a trial band at the end of sessions helped to understand that in reality, everything is not as complicated as it might seems. And all you need is to invite the Holy Spirit and want to hear what Jesus says.”

“The trial band gives a good taste of how this can develop into deep spiritual friendships, and that is always good.  But particularly how the band works in helping that happen.”

“I am going to continue meeting with the people from my trial band at least until I have formed a band in my local area.”

Want to know more about… :

  • Inspire Learning Communities, online or in-person
  • Inspire School of Discipleship
  • Starting a Fellowship Band

… look around the website and CONTACT US . We would be happy to connect you with an Inspire Missioner who can help you explore further.

We desire to make missional discipleship accessible to everyone and aim to provide all our training for low, or no, fees to participants. In order to continue doing this we need people to generously give to the Inspire Movement to cover the essential costs associated with developing and delivering quality relational training.

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