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Inspire Scholars

The Inspire Scholars is a group of like minded people who desire to study the topic of discipleship through reading, conversation, and mutual teachings in evangelism, mission, spirituality, and the role of the Holy Spirit in discipleship.

We don’t offer, or gain, any academic credit, but we want to be accountable to one another for our continuing studies so that we extend our learning whilst growing in wisdom together.

We will be meeting once a month using video call. There is a possibility of discussion boards as well. We will set out curriculum and study rhythms as a group together.

If you are interested in joining the Inspire Scholars as they set out on this new adventure, please get in touch: CONTACT US The first meeting is on 26 March.

Even if you are not able to be a part of the Inspire Scholars we hope that you will praying for them to grow in inspir-ed wisdom.
