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Let Us Pray

Our inspire4kids team are passionate about discipling children and helping families to live Jesus’ Way of Life. Although their starting point is children, the wisdom they share is good for us all, whether we have children to care for or not, we are all children of God no matter how many months or years old we are: See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are! (1John2:1)

“I have always said that children are never too young to pray. When Malachi was born that statement became a challenge! Although I was praying over him and for him at my side, God challenged me to pray with him. 

Even though babies don’t have the words to speak out their prayers, it does not mean that God isn’t listening to them. God hears every gurgle and every squeak. He hears the letters beginning to formed, in a language only he can understand. I am often reminded of the gift of tongues when I hear Malachi babbling away. 

How can we disciple our babies? As they experience the world for the first time, we can ensure that in everything we point them to God, and then God will do the rest. 

Here are a few of the ways that we pray with Malachi… 

… in the morning:

We rejoice, as we open the curtains we say “Rise and shine and give God the glory, this is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it”. 

... whenever we eat:

We say “Thank you God for our lovely food”. This one often proves to be the most challenging because babies eat a lot! So often it becomes “Thank you God for … the food we are eating or the food we’ve already eaten … or the food that is all over my face!”  

… at bath time:

We have a thankfulness song. Do you know the song, “Thank you God for this fine day… Alleluia praise the Lord”? Well, we have written our own words… 

Thank you God for Malachi’s: 

  • Tummy…full of lovely food.
  • Legs…help him walk with you
  • Feet… help him to follow you
  • Arms… for always carrying him
  • Hands… help him do your work
  • Head… help him to know you
  • Eyes… help him to see you
  • Ears… help him to hear you 
  • [Nose, mouth, neck, chins!… for as long as bath time goes on!
  • Body… for the man (of God) you are making him to be

…at bedtime:

We have a photo album of all the different people in Malachi’s life, and as we turn the pages and look at the pictures we pray for them. 

All prayers rise to God, it doesn’t matter how long, how short, how articulate, or even how much sense they make. (We are expressly told not to go on and on! Matthew 6.7) God listens to our hearts. 

As children grow they want to do what you are doing, so here is a challenge for you…

  • Do your children see you pray? Or read the Bible?
  • Are the children in your midst going to want to follow you as you follow Jesus? 

Tabitha is our Lead Missioner for inspire4kids. If you would like to know more about inspire for children and families, and/or connect with an Inspire Missioner CONTACT US.