In January, Phil and Samantha Meadows, led a three day intensive retreat in Kyiv, Ukraine. This Learning Community brought together 11 OMS missionaries from around Europe to begin a year-long Discipleship Practicum. There were people from, or serving in, Ukraine, Israel, Ireland, UK, Spain, USA, Columbia, New Zealand.
The teaching, conversation, reflection, sharing in band and eating together proved to be wonderful time of refreshing and renewal. Everyone was blessed and there was a deep sense of fellowship in the Spirit
The Learning Community continues this year with monthly online training, and a discussion board. Each person is also in a monthly online band with an Inspire Missioner and is expected to form a face to face band in their local context.
We had such a deep experience of God that we are looking to have another retreat at the end of the year to reflect on our experience and, hopefully, to multiply the Learning Communities and launch into another year.
Please be praying for:
- The missionaries to grow deeper in their own discipleship.
- Fellowship bands to be a rich and encouraging encounter with the Holy Spirit
- Online learning to be about more of God, not just more knowledge
- Provision so that we can come together again in person
If you would like to know more about how we do learning communities, or to receive up-dates on the OMS-Inspire group, then contact us: CONTACT